More Good Stuff, • 1/8/24 Test Your Drügz! (Puppet Service Announcement) Esmerelda and Molly Balloons teach how and why to use fentanyl strip for harm reduction. Next Esmerelda's Dream You Might Also Like Esmerelda's Dream Live Improv Duet at LAX Summertime (Live in Groton, Connecticut) Puppetzilla Puppet Slam (Promo) Cosmic Striptease at the Galactic Emporium
More Good Stuff, • 1/8/24 Test Your Drügz! (Puppet Service Announcement) Esmerelda and Molly Balloons teach how and why to use fentanyl strip for harm reduction. Next Esmerelda's Dream You Might Also Like Esmerelda's Dream Live Improv Duet at LAX Summertime (Live in Groton, Connecticut) Puppetzilla Puppet Slam (Promo) Cosmic Striptease at the Galactic Emporium